When I was addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper, I remember a lady that I worked with pointing to the drink on my desk and arrogantly saying, "You know that's poison, don't you?" She was right, but I can assure you that's not the way to make anyone stop drinking them.
We've been handed these drinks so innocently that no one would suspect that it's as bad as giving a cigarette to a baby (that MIGHT be an exaggeration...). In all serious though, we are seeing so many physical problems now LINKED to aspartame poisoning, and I know first hand how terrifying this is. I also know how much it affects your brain. My senior year of high school, I felt like I had a block in my brain. I still performed well, but I remember having such a difficult time processing information and even writing papers... and I was an A student who excelled in writing. This block was not lifted until I threw away the diet drinks and eliminated aspartame from my diet.
It took me a long time to wean myself away from sodas, and it was not an easy road. I remember literally praying that I wouldn't like them anymore. It was such a struggle. If I was car sick, I wanted a bubbly, fizzy cola. If I was at a ballgame or the movies or out to eat, I always wanted a coke. The bubbles called my name... and the fizzier the better. I KNEW how bad they were for me. I KNEW the chemical structure of aspartame and the hazards that came along with it. But I craved them.
When my husband and I got on the organic bandwagon a few years ago, we would haul coolers of ice an hour and 45 minutes out of town to shop at Earthfare (the closest place to buy a variety of organic, clean foods) and stock up on 2 weeks worth of groceries. It was at this time I found Zevia.
I had been off of sodas as much as I could be, but I still found myself giving in to the temptation far more often than I care to admit (not diet ones at this time, but the sugary ones). I still craved the bubbles.

If you're struggling to quit diet soda or regular soda, Zevias are an amazing alternative. The company is growing, and just in the past week or so they started offering a glass bottle option. I cannot wait to try those! In case you've never noticed, the container actually does make a difference in the taste of drinks. :)
Look for Zevia at a store near you, and check out their website for good coupons and contests. You can also buy Zevias online at Amazon here.
Support this growing company and feel better for it!
Be free. Be healthy. Be natural.
- Elisabeth