Natural Health Resources
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Licensed Physician and Surgeon & New York Times best selling author
Dr. Mercola is, in my opinion, the foremost natural health authority today. His website is "the #1 natural health website in the world." Bookmark Dr. Mercola's website, and by all means sign up for his email list. You will receive in depth, informative articles daily that will change your health. They are quite lengthy, but there is a sidebar that sums up the article briefly if you don't have the time to read it all.
In addition, you can take his free nutritional typing test here. This will help you to develop an eating plan tailored to your particular nutrition type - protein type, carb type or mixed type. It explains why some eating plans only work for some people.
Also, be sure to check out Dr. Mercola's Total Health Breakthrough, a complete guide to weight loss, preventing disease and premature again, and living healthy and longer.
Licensed Physician and Surgeon & New York Times best selling author
Dr. Mercola is, in my opinion, the foremost natural health authority today. His website is "the #1 natural health website in the world." Bookmark Dr. Mercola's website, and by all means sign up for his email list. You will receive in depth, informative articles daily that will change your health. They are quite lengthy, but there is a sidebar that sums up the article briefly if you don't have the time to read it all.
In addition, you can take his free nutritional typing test here. This will help you to develop an eating plan tailored to your particular nutrition type - protein type, carb type or mixed type. It explains why some eating plans only work for some people.
Also, be sure to check out Dr. Mercola's Total Health Breakthrough, a complete guide to weight loss, preventing disease and premature again, and living healthy and longer.
Natural Living Resources
Grow your own non-GMO, organic vegetables and herbs. Buy 100% non-GMO, high quality seeds at Check out my blog post to learn more about this company and starting your own garden.
Grow your own non-GMO, organic vegetables and herbs. Buy 100% non-GMO, high quality seeds at Check out my blog post to learn more about this company and starting your own garden.